Welcome, how can we help you?
Enterprise Support

Support plans are available with varying prices depending on the size of your business and your support needs. Send us an email with how many employees and computers are on site and remote, which services you need managed, a list of the common applications you rely on and might require support with, and whether your hardware is already installed or needs to be set up. There is an initial setup cost and then a monthly maintenance plan to follow. We also offer simplified hourly support if you just need a stand-in for your usual I.T. group while their office is closed.

If you are authorized to speak for your business, call us at (602) 345-1757 or email cjpavlovich@pavshelpdesk.com with the above information for a free quote. Alternatively, you can make a virtual appointment and, in the description, put "interested in small business options."

Questions or concerns? Please do not hesitate to call in or email to schedule a free consultation. You will not be billed for your first business consultation. Your second consultation will be billed as a virtual appointment unless you hire us on a work order or subscribe to a monthly I.T. contract plan.

Hours of Operation

Standard hours are 9:00am to noon and 1:00pm to 5:00pm. Weekend appoints available from 10:30am to noon and 1:00pm to 3:30 pm at a higher rate. None of these slots work for you? Reach out, we make exceptions.

Small Business

Extended hours, we are here for you! We can perform upgrades after hours so as not to disturb workflow.

Residential Pricing
Weekday Virtual

  • 30 minute virtual support: $45
  • 60 minute virtual support: $90

Weekend Virtual

  • 30 minute virtual support: $60
  • 60 minute virtual support: $120

Weekday On-site

  • 60 minute on-site support: $100
  • 90 minute on-site support: $150

Weekend On-site

  • 60 minute on-site support: $125
  • 90 minute on-site support: $187